
Za informacije o našoj Udruzi, molimo kontaktirajte:

Associazione "Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII"
Segreteria Generale
Via Valverde 10/D - 47923 Rimini (RN)
Tel. +39 0541 909600
Fax +39 0541 909637
email: info@apg23.org

Za informacije o našim projektima izvan Italije, molimo Vas obratite se našem NVO

Segreteria di Condivisione Fra i Popoli
Via Ausa 39 - 47853 Cerasolo (RN)
Tel. +39 0541 55365
Fax +39 0541 432245
e-mail: segreteria.condivisione@apg23.org

Za informacije o našoj prisutnosti u Hrvatskoj

Sjedište, Veliki Prolog 26, Vrgorac
Tel/Fax 021 606 506

Savjetivalište u Splitu, Pujanke bb, pri crkvi Svetog Pavla Apostola
Tel. 021 376 390
Mob. 091 733 76 50

Savjetovalište u Metkoviću, zgrada političkih stranaka bb
Mob. 091 943 17 65

Information pursuant to art. 13 of law decree no. 196/2003

Your personal data will be handled, manually and electronically, by the Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII – data controller – via Mameli 1, 47900 Rimini (RN) in order to reply to your request. The employees in charge of the treatment of personal data are the employees in the single offices in charge of the advanced request and of the computer systems. According to art. 7 of law decree no. 196/2003 you can exert your rights, such as consulting, modifying, deleting data or opposing to their treatment for legitimate reasons, writing to the owner of the address mentioned above or sending an email to privacy@apg23.org, where you can find, upon request, an updated list of people in charge of the treatment.